The Web Street

The Web Street offer independent retailers the opportunity to join the growing online market with affordable, professionally designed websites. Being a start up, they were a blank canvas, so through creating some initial mood boards we were able to get a feel for what they liked - geometrics, infographics & the colour teal.

As requested the logo is clean and simple, with a subtle “S” representing the street behind. This project lead on to a full brand experience; including brochure design, business cards, web-design and merchandise.

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Brochure Design

The brochure’s purpose was to explain the process of The Web Street’s service to their customers. It therefore needed to be as simple and easy to digest as possible. We therefore broke everything down into stages and used bold infographics to make the process super clear.


Business Cards & Merchandise

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Let’s Bring Your Ideas To Life….

If you’re looking to get an idea of the ground I can help you build your brand identity and create visuals that will attract the right customer.